Type: Services
Status: Is available
Source sourcing and purchase of goods

Source sourcing and purchase of goods

Source sourcing is the search for production resources and shopping malls in order to identify goods or international suppliers for superior services, good quality and lower cost.

Source sourcing is the first and most basic step in trading and requires a detailed description of the product with factories and supply centers, which is usually not as simple as stated in magazines and newspapers, because if you have the right strategies in Do not have this background, you may encounter only a list of suppliers, but we must know the various cases around us and knowing the type of resources is also important. It should also be noted that if people do not use the right strategies, they will be deceived and business will be detrimental to them.

Nowadays, presenting new economic solutions is on the agenda of many government and private sector managers to use new ideas in the field of marketing, advertising and supply to achieve maximum use and economic profit in an economic enterprise using the least resources.

All individuals and legal entities are always looking to make more profit using the least amount of time, time and money, and it is a condition of common sense to have healthy solutions without taking ownership of the rights of others. In order to increase more profit, sales strategies have not always been effective, but the strategies of a good purchase are also among the most important ways to increase economic prosperity.

The commercial department of this company is proud to provide useful resources to its esteemed customers by employing specialized personnel in Iran and employing its brokers abroad.


Source sourcing in trade means finding the resources that supply the services or goods needed by the merchant or any other person as a wholesaler or producer in the countries of production or supply and to the destination countries and cities under the conditions required by the buyer. There are two major definitions of sourcing: strategic sourcing and global sourcing.
China's massive emergence in the world trade market and its enormous production and trade capabilities also offered the world a wide range of strategic purchasing opportunities.
Strategic sourcing or strategic sourcing or commodity sourcing is usually used for valuable services, retail purchases and bulk and valuable purchases and for this purpose various processes are used as follows:
- Evaluate the current purchasing cycle of the company and what products can meet the needs of our company and our consumer market.
- Evaluating the goods and services offered and available in the market and measuring the price and value of goods and quality commensurate with the Rial value requested by the target market.
- Review and analysis of prices and costs and comparison with other companies providing goods and services
- Survey of potential sellers of goods in different countries and cities and select the best in terms of price and quality, payment terms and how to ship the goods and…
- Pick and choose an up-to-date and accurate purchasing strategy that fits our business semester
- Start negotiating with potential sellers and review the information and data obtained and compare the results with the company's purchasing strategy and calculate the costs and profits and make a fruitful decision.
Establishing a purchasing relationship with the seller and establishing a business relationship, whether by concluding short-term or long-term contracts or other valid documents that have already been pursued in international courts.
- Establish a continuous process for business and continuous updating of communications and, if necessary, select new and more appropriate sources.
- But global sourcing, regardless of national borders, examines and provides you with the products and services you need all over the world. Global sourcing is very widespread, especially in EU countries as well as in Asia, and is used regardless of geographical boundaries.


Among the activities and duties of this company in the field of sourcing are as follows:

Internet research and identification of top suppliers
Validation of suppliers and validation of suppliers according to Q40 method
Providing marketing and customer service for export goods
Correspondence and negotiations for the import and export of goods
Sampling of goods
Accepting orders for purchase and delivery of goods in Iran

Source sourcing and purchase of goods