Thursday, 25 November 2021 08:33 12

Appreciation of the Manager of Innovation and the Manager of Planning and Development of the Iran Insurers Syndicate

Dr. Karimi, while thanking all the colleagues of the syndicate, referring to the efforts of Mr. Ovliya and Mr. Tabbakhha in creating digital platforms and smartening the executive processes of the syndicate, as well as the measures taken to develop the insurance syndicate activities, appreciated them.

Appreciation of the Manager of Innovation and the Manager of Planning and Development of the Iran Insurers Syndicate

Dr. Karimi, while thanking all the colleagues of the syndicate, referring to the efforts of Mr. Ovliya and Mr. Tabbakhha in creating digital platforms and smartening the executive processes of the syndicate, as well as the measures taken to develop the insurance syndicate activities, appreciated them.